Tag Archives: PGS-24

Day 1 Embryo update

CD13. I took the 6:45am Delta flight home today from Orange County, CA to Atlanta and lucky for me was upgraded to first class.  While on board, I received an email from the embryologist indicating that our egg was mature, and that it fertilized.  That’s great news!  I kind of expected that it would fertilize given that their lab stats for fertilization are 97%.  Now, the waiting begins.  Will it grow to a 4AA or 3AA quality blast?  Who knows?  The great news is I have plenty of work to do this week to keep me busy and to keep me from obsessing over the growth of the embryo. First priority, TAXES!  Yep, I procrastinated and the October 15th deadline for those of us who like to file extensions is looming.  The good news is I’m getting a refund which I will apply to our current costs associated with fertility.  Oh, and even better news, is all this fertility stuff, including the travel is tax deductible.  Suh-weet!!!

There is no way to know if our little petri-dish filled with life will continue to grow, or if it will be of good quality.  We will just wait for the call, or email, letting us know if this soul is choosing to stick around.  It’s always a chance to trust GOD, stay in reality, and surrender the outcome.  Today I thank GOD for my good fortune!