Tag Archives: Live IVF Center

Cheetos and maxi pads

Hey, guess what? It’s CD1 (CD stands for cycle day here on out through the blog, with day 1 always being counted as the first day of my period)!  Couldn’t you tell by my blog post title?  So I’m in line at my local Atlanta CVS today buying myself some cheetos and maxi pads a.k.a. feminine supplies pondering the fact that I’m 45 years of age, and still doing what I did when I was 20, buying a little salty junk food and female supplies.  And sure enough, the girl in front of me, who appears to be in her late teens/early 20s , had in her hand a stash of cheetos and feminine supplies and I burst out laughing.  I’m thinking, “Uh-huh, that’s right, I still got it!”,  as if I still have my figure from my early 20s or something;  but instead I’m talking about my period here folks.  And I am so glad I’ve still got my period because it means there is hope that one of these eggs still hanging out in my ovarian reserve has the possiblity to turn into a beautiful baby for us.  My fertility doctor says as long as you have periods, and a few follicles, there is hope.  And never, ever, ever, ever give up hope.  I have found the the very first RE ever to exude hope and compassion.  I’m one lucky gal!

Today marks the beginning of a new direction we are taking on our journey towards parenthood.  We’ve chosen to try mini-IVF with a clinic in Southern California that specializes in a Japanese developed protocol that seems to be helping many women 40+ with diminished ovarian reserve.   I’ve decided to refer to the clinic as “The Happy Fertility Clinic” as it would appear that everyone who works here is on a mood enhancing drug.  I actually think it’s the effect of all the California sunshine which many folks on the East Coast are deficient in.  I’m writing this blog to get my story and my experiences out of my head and onto paper so that I may stay sane, and possibly help other older women considering or attempting the same journey.  I write for me.  And for you.  No validation needed.  I hope that any women walking this path remembers that we are not alone on this journey, and that we can find joy in living and a whole lot of laughter while waiting on a baby.  I’m so grateful to GOD for this opportunity to try IVF, regardless of the outcome.  Today I thank GOD for my good fortune.